Certified Gendai Reikiho Classes
(as taught to me by the founder Hiroshi Doi Sensei, and Elyssa Matthews)
Gendai Reiki focuses on getting back to the 'roots' of Reiki, the original Japanese teachings and Reiki as a process to improving the quality of life~ to become healthy and happy.
Level 1(Shoden) ~ The channel of Reiki is opened and you begin to practice hands on healing on yourself and those around you
Level 2(Okuden) ~ The symbols are taught and used so that advanced healing can be practiced on many people
Level 3(Shinpiden) ~ The stage where you study the way to attain true happiness(a rich and peaceful state of mind) through Usui Sensei's teachings
Level 4 Master/Teacher Level(Gokuiden) ~ The stage where you keep practicing while you support those who ask to improve the quality of their lives.
(as taught to me by the founder Hiroshi Doi Sensei, and Elyssa Matthews)
Gendai Reiki focuses on getting back to the 'roots' of Reiki, the original Japanese teachings and Reiki as a process to improving the quality of life~ to become healthy and happy.
Level 1(Shoden) ~ The channel of Reiki is opened and you begin to practice hands on healing on yourself and those around you
Level 2(Okuden) ~ The symbols are taught and used so that advanced healing can be practiced on many people
Level 3(Shinpiden) ~ The stage where you study the way to attain true happiness(a rich and peaceful state of mind) through Usui Sensei's teachings
Level 4 Master/Teacher Level(Gokuiden) ~ The stage where you keep practicing while you support those who ask to improve the quality of their lives.