' The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.' - William Arthur Ward

Kerri Fargo B.A. RT-CRA, Registered Reiki Master Teacher, Professional Channel, Intuitive Medium
Kerri is a Reiki Master Teacher in Usui, Gendai, Komyo, Karuna, Kundalini® and Lightarian Reiki. She is the founder of Circle of Light® and co-founder of Kundalini Reiki® Canada. She developed & teaches Reiki For Kids & the 'Paws For Reiki' Animal Reiki program. For over a decade she has taught hundreds of students the rewarding modality of Reiki. She is a Registered Teacher with the Canadian Reiki Association and follows their ethics in practice and guidelines for teaching. As a mother of 3, she has had many years of experiencing the joy of Reiki with children & loves teaching Reiki to all ages!
She is also an IET® Master-Instructor, and Certified Holistic Healer and teaches Intuition Development workshops via www.kerrifargo.com & Practical Intuition. She also teaches Axiatonal Re-Alignment and is a Tibetan Yoga Instructor. When she is not teaching, or seeing clients, (or making soap, or kombucha, or building websites!) she is taking people around the world on amazing healing trips on one of the Circle of Light Retreats!
Trained in many healing modalities, including Past Life Regression, Akashic Records and the Shamanic Traditions of both North and South America, she offers a Whole approach to healing. She is also an empath that works intuitively often receiving insight into the emotional cause of the illness or imbalance. Using the abilities of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience, she often receives messages from angels, guides and spirits of loved ones who have crossed over. She has dedicated her life to helping others find their own unique path in this life, and to walk it with compassion and joy. Learn more about Kerri HERE
Kerri is a Reiki Master Teacher in Usui, Gendai, Komyo, Karuna, Kundalini® and Lightarian Reiki. She is the founder of Circle of Light® and co-founder of Kundalini Reiki® Canada. She developed & teaches Reiki For Kids & the 'Paws For Reiki' Animal Reiki program. For over a decade she has taught hundreds of students the rewarding modality of Reiki. She is a Registered Teacher with the Canadian Reiki Association and follows their ethics in practice and guidelines for teaching. As a mother of 3, she has had many years of experiencing the joy of Reiki with children & loves teaching Reiki to all ages!
She is also an IET® Master-Instructor, and Certified Holistic Healer and teaches Intuition Development workshops via www.kerrifargo.com & Practical Intuition. She also teaches Axiatonal Re-Alignment and is a Tibetan Yoga Instructor. When she is not teaching, or seeing clients, (or making soap, or kombucha, or building websites!) she is taking people around the world on amazing healing trips on one of the Circle of Light Retreats!
Trained in many healing modalities, including Past Life Regression, Akashic Records and the Shamanic Traditions of both North and South America, she offers a Whole approach to healing. She is also an empath that works intuitively often receiving insight into the emotional cause of the illness or imbalance. Using the abilities of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience, she often receives messages from angels, guides and spirits of loved ones who have crossed over. She has dedicated her life to helping others find their own unique path in this life, and to walk it with compassion and joy. Learn more about Kerri HERE