As I was running today I was contemplating how easily nature changes. It grows when it needs to grow, it sustains when it needs to sustain, it changes when it needs to change, and when it is complete it dies to make way for the new. It does not fight any of these stages, it simply accepts and allows and just ‘is’. I try to do that in my own life. Of course I need to take action too, but I try and live in the ‘flow’ as much as possible. I have been noticing lately that some of us have been having difficulty staying in the ‘flow’ for sustained periods of time. Especially my ‘healer’, and ‘sensitive’ and ‘ intuitive’ friends- we have been really feeling the earth changes, some in a small way and some in a very large way. So now as we head further into this year of big change, and growth, and exciting evolution, (the year many of us have been waiting for) as the earth continues to shift in frequency, we must continue to learn to shift also. We must learn to be like nature, to be more fluid. To accept change gracefully, to welcome it. To go into change with ‘ease’. This ‘shift’ is a wonderful positive change for the earth and humanity, however the energy fluctuations many of us have been feeling I believe will continue in terms of frequency and in strength.
For ‘sensitive’ types, some may feel like they are being tossed about in a quantum ocean without a boat. A daily practice of meditation or yoga is very helpful for staying balanced and well during this time. Anything that connects or links you to the earth will help. Gardening is a perfect solution! Need a patch of soil to play in? I have a huge patch…and I will share. ; )
(Don’t get me started on that….but I will gratefully accept garden volunteers…and am willing to trade weeding & beautifying the wild backyard for reiki etc.)
This is also why I have been getting the intuitive message (which feel more like a kick in the backside) to start teaching Tibetan Yoga again. It helps me stay centered and grounded and balanced, so I am hoping it helps others too.
If you are feeling the joy and huge wonderful energy from these shifts, that is great! Keep surfing that wave! If you get caught in the undertow, or ever feel off balance, or unwell, or overwhelmed, some things that can help are:
*Connect to the Earth-spend as much time outdoors as possible
*Be in the Frequency of Joy as much as possible-it is ok for you to be happy and doing things for yourself that make you happy. Find your joy. If you don’t know what makes you happy, start trying new things to help you find it.
*Set up a Support Network for when you need help
*Do the Work to let go of things that no longer serve you(physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually)-whether it is an unhealthy choices, unhealthy relationship, unhealthy habits, unhealthy mental state or outlook. You cannot afford to avoid or delay this process anymore. You must Clear Your Clutter!
*Honour Your Body Endeavour to make choices to sustain and nurture it
*Drink lots of Water Always. And for those looking to develop intuitively drink twice as much. Water conducts energy.
*Make Healthier Food Choices This is so much easier this time of year when the fresh things are in season locally
And Most Importantly…
*Be Kind and Gentle with Yourself and with Others-Everyone is going through these changes in their own way and it is so important to cultivate patience, understanding, and compassion.
Big Hugs!
Kerri & All of Us At Circle of Light
For ‘sensitive’ types, some may feel like they are being tossed about in a quantum ocean without a boat. A daily practice of meditation or yoga is very helpful for staying balanced and well during this time. Anything that connects or links you to the earth will help. Gardening is a perfect solution! Need a patch of soil to play in? I have a huge patch…and I will share. ; )
(Don’t get me started on that….but I will gratefully accept garden volunteers…and am willing to trade weeding & beautifying the wild backyard for reiki etc.)
This is also why I have been getting the intuitive message (which feel more like a kick in the backside) to start teaching Tibetan Yoga again. It helps me stay centered and grounded and balanced, so I am hoping it helps others too.
If you are feeling the joy and huge wonderful energy from these shifts, that is great! Keep surfing that wave! If you get caught in the undertow, or ever feel off balance, or unwell, or overwhelmed, some things that can help are:
*Connect to the Earth-spend as much time outdoors as possible
*Be in the Frequency of Joy as much as possible-it is ok for you to be happy and doing things for yourself that make you happy. Find your joy. If you don’t know what makes you happy, start trying new things to help you find it.
*Set up a Support Network for when you need help
*Do the Work to let go of things that no longer serve you(physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually)-whether it is an unhealthy choices, unhealthy relationship, unhealthy habits, unhealthy mental state or outlook. You cannot afford to avoid or delay this process anymore. You must Clear Your Clutter!
*Honour Your Body Endeavour to make choices to sustain and nurture it
*Drink lots of Water Always. And for those looking to develop intuitively drink twice as much. Water conducts energy.
*Make Healthier Food Choices This is so much easier this time of year when the fresh things are in season locally
And Most Importantly…
*Be Kind and Gentle with Yourself and with Others-Everyone is going through these changes in their own way and it is so important to cultivate patience, understanding, and compassion.
Big Hugs!
Kerri & All of Us At Circle of Light